2020 - present
Arthur Lupia. 2021. “Practical and Ethical Reasons for Pursuing a More Open Science.” Forthcoming, PS: Political Science and Politics.
William Klein, Alycia Boutté, Heather Brake, Madeline Beal, Katherine Lyon-Daniel, Emily Eisenhauer, Monica Grasso, Bryan Hubbell, Karen Jenni, Christopher Lauer, Arthur Lupia, Christine Prue, Paula Rausch, Carl Shapiro, Michael Smith, and William Riley. 2021. “Leveraging and Building the Science of Risk Communication across US Federal Agencies.” Forthcoming, Nature Human Behavior.
Arthur Lupia. 2020. “Beyond the Pathogen: Social and Behavioral Implications of COVID-19.” World Medical and Health Policy 12: 228-232.
Arthur Lupia, Stuart Soroka, and Alison L. Beatty. 2020. “What Does Congress Want From the National Science Foundation? A Content Analysis of Remarks from 1995 to 2018.” Science Advances 6: 33. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz6300
2010 - 2019
Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2019. "Democracy's Continuing Dilemma: How to Build Credibility in Chaotic Times." PS: Political Science and Politics 52:654-658.
William T. Riley, Arthur Lupia, William Klein, Fay Lomax Cook. 2019. “United States Federal Agency Response to the National Academies Workshop on Graduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.” Journal of Education, Society, and Behavioural Science 32:1-6.
Daniel J. Benjamin, James O. Berger, Magnus Johannesson, Brian A. Nosek, EJ Wagenmakers, Richard Berk, Kenneth A. Bollen, Bjorn Brembs, Lawrence Brown, Colin Camerer, David Cesarini, Christopher P. Chambers, Merlise Clyde, Thomas D. Cook, Pul De Boeck, Zoltan Dienes, Anna Dreber, Kenny Easwaran, Charles Efferson, Ernst Fehr, Fiona Fidler, Andy P. Field, Malcolm Forster, Edward I. George, Richard Gonzalez, Steven Goodman, Edwin Green, Donald P. Green, Anthony Greenwald, Jrrod D. Hadfield, Larry V. Hedges, Leonhard Held, Teck Hua Ho, Herbert Hoijtink, James Holland, Daniel J. Hruschka, Kosuke Imai, Guido Imbens, John P. A. Ioannidis, Minjeong Jeon, Michael Kirchler, David Laibson, John List, Roderick Little, Arthur Lupia, Edward Machery, Scott E. Maxwell, Michael McCarthy, Don Moore, Stephen L. Morgan, Marcus Munafo, Shinichi Nakagawa, Brendan Nyhan, Timothy H. Parker, Luis Pericchi, Marco Perugini, Jeff Rouder, Judith Rousseau, Victoria Savalei, Felix D. Schonbrodt, Thomas Sellke, Betsy Sinclair, Dustin Tingley, Trisha Van Zandt, Simine Vazire, Duncan J. Watts, Christopher Winship. Robert L. Wolpert, Yu Xie, Cristobal Young, Jonathan Zinman, and Valen E. Johnson. “Redefine Statistical Significance.” 2018. Nature Human Behavior 2: 6-10.
Colin Elman, Diana Kapiszewski, and Arthur Lupia. 2018. “Transparent Social Inquiry: Implications for Political Science.” Annual Review of Political Science 21: 29-47.
Arthur Lupia. 2018. “How to Improve Coding for Open-Ended Survey Data: Lessons from the ANES.” In Jon A. Krosnick and David Vannette (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 121-128.
Arthur Lupia. 2018. “The Role of Transparency in Maintaining the Legitimacy and Credibility of Survey Research.” In Jon A. Krosnick and David Vannette (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 315-318.
Arthur Lupia. 2018. “Coding Open Responses.” In Jon A. Krosnick and David Vannette (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 473-488.
Arthur Lupia. 2018. “Research Transparency and the Credibility of Survey-Based Social Science.” In Jon A. Krosnick and David Vannette (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 655-666.
Barbara R. Jasny, Nick Wigginton, Marcia McNutt, Tanya Bubela, Stuart Buck, Robert Cook-Deegan, Timothy Gardner, Brooks Hanson, Carolyn Hustad, Veronique Kiermer, David Lazer, Arthur Lupia, Arjun Manrai, Laura McConnell, Kevin Noonan, Elizabeth Phimster, Brenda Simon, Kathy Strandburg, Zara Summers, and Duncan Watts. “Fostering Reproducibility in Industry-Academia Partnerships.” 2017. Science 357: 759-761.
Arthur Lupia and Anne Norton. 2017. “Inequality is Always in the Room: Language and Power in Deliberative Democracy.” Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences: 143: 64-76.
Arthur Lupia. 2017. “Now is the Time: How to Increase the Value of Social Science.” Social Research: An International Quarterly 84: 689-715.
James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2017. “Using Frames to Make Scientific Communication More Effective.” In Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dietram Schuefele, and Dan Kahan (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the Science of Science Communication. New York: Oxford University Press, 351-360.
Arthur Lupia. 2016. Uninformed: Why People Know So Little About Politics and What We Can Do About It. New York: Oxford University Press.
James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2016. "Preference Change in Competitive Political Environments." Annual Review of Political Science 19: 13-31.
Matthew K. Berent, Jon A. Krosnick, and Arthur Lupia. 2016. "Measuring Voter Registration and Turnout in Surveys: Do Official Government Records Yield More Accurate Assessments?" Public Opinion Quarterly 49: 597-621. Replication Appendix.
Arthur Lupia. 2015. "Polls Can Give People a Stronger Voice." New York Times, November 30.
Peter Loewen, Arthur Lupia, and Daniel Rubenson. 2015. "What the Canadian and British Election Polls Tell Us About Donald Trump." Washington Post, October 22.
Brian A. Nosek, George Alter, George C. Banks, Denny Borsboom, Sara D. Bowman, Steven Breckler, Stuart Buck, Christopher Chambers, Gilbert Chin, Garret Christensen, Monica Contestabile, Allan Dafoe, Eric Eich, Jeremy Freese, Rachel Glennerster, Daniel Goroff, Donald P. Green, Brad Hesse, Macartan Humphreys, John Ishiyama, Dean Karlan, Alan Kraut, Arthur Lupia, Patricia Mabry, Temina Madon, Neil Malhotra, Evan Mayo Wilson, Marcia McNutt, Edward Miguel, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Uri Simonsohn, Courtney Soderberg, Barbara A. Spellman, James Turitto, Gary VandenBos, Simine Vazire, E. J. Wagenmakers, Rick Wilson, and Tal Yarkoni. 2015. “Promoting an Open Research Culture: Author Guidelines for Journals Could Help to Promote Transparency, Openness, and Reproducibility.” Science 348: 1422-1425.
Arthur Lupia, Logan S. Casey, Kristyn L. Karl, Spencer Piston, Timothy J. Ryan and Christopher Skovron. 2015. "What Does it Take to Reduce Racial Prejudice in Individual-Level Candidate Evaluations? A Formal Theoretic Perspective." Political Science Research and Methods 3:1-20.
Arthur Lupia. 2014. "Three Ways to Improve the Response to the State of the Union Address." Washington Post, January 28.
James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2012. "Experimenting with Politics." Science 335: 1177-1179.
Arthur Lupia, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar. 2010. "Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage." The Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222-35. Replication information Data
Arthur Lupia, Adam Seth Levine, and Natasha Zharinova. 2010. "Should Political Scientists Use the Self-Confirming Equilibrium Concept? Benefits, Costs and an Application to Jury Theorems." Political Analysis 18: 103--123.
2000 - 2009
Arthur Lupia and Kaare Strøm. 2008. "Bargaining, Transaction Costs, and Coalition Governance." In Torbjörn Bergman, Wolfgang C. Müller, and Kaare Strøm (eds.), Cabinets and Coalition Bargaining: The Democratic Life Cycle in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 51-84. [Book Available Here]
Markus Prior and Arthur Lupia. 2008. "Money, Time, and Political Knowledge: Distinguishing Quick Recall and Political Learning Skills." American Journal of Political Science 52 (1): 168-182. Replication Notes Questionnaire Data
David Austen-Smith and Arthur Lupia. 2007. "Information in Elections." In John H. Aldrich, James E. Alt, and Arthur Lupia (Eds.), Positive Changes in Political Science: The Legacy of Richard D. McKelvey's Most Influential Writings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [Book Available Here]
Cheryl Boudreau, Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Daniel B. Rodriguez. 2007. "What Statutes Mean: Interpretive Lessons from Positive Theories of Communication and Legislation." San Diego Law Review 44(2): 957-992.
Arthur Lupia, Adam Seth Levine, Jesse O. Menning, and Gisela Sin. 2007. "Were Bush Tax Cut Supporters 'Simply Ignorant?': A Second Look at Conservatives and Liberals in 'Homer Gets a Tax Cut.'" Perspectives on Politics 5 (4): 773-784. Replication file.
Arthur Lupia and Jesse Menning. 2007. "Politics and the Equilibrium of Fear: Can Strategies and Emotions Interact?" In Ann Crigler, Michael MacKuen, George E. Marcus, and W. Russell Neuman (eds.), The Affect Effect: Dynamics of Emotion in Political Thinking and Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia. 2006. "Can Online Deliberation Improve Politics? Scientific Foundations for Success." In Todd Davies and Beth Noveck (eds.), Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice. Stanford, CA and Chicago: CSLI Publications (of the University of Chicago Press). [Book Available Here]
James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2005. "Mind, Will, and Choice: Lessons from Experiments in Contextual Variation." In Charles Tilly and Robert E. Goodin, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on Contextual Political Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press, 97-113. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2005. The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? (Japanese translation). Tokyo: Bokutakusha.
Arthur Lupia. 2004. "Can Political Institutions Increase Citizens' Competence? Findings from a Formal Model and Two Experiments." In Irwin Morris, Joe A. Oppenheimer, and Karol Soltan (eds.) Politics from Anarchy to Democracy: Rational Choice in Political Science. Stanford , CA : Stanford University Press, 132-156. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia. 2004. "Necessary Conditions for Improving Civic Competence." Working Paper.
Arthur Lupia. 2003. "Delegation and its Perils." In Kaare Strøm, Wolfgang C. Müller, and Torbjörn Bergman (eds.) Delegation and Accountability in West European Parliamentary Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 33-54. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia. 2002. "Who Can Persuade Whom? Implications from the Nexus of Psychology and Rational Choice Theory." In James H. Kuklinski (ed.) Thinking About Political Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 51–88. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia. 2001. "Dumber than Chimps? An Assessment of Direct Democracy Voters." In Larry J. Sabato, Bruce Larson, and Howard Ernst (eds.) Dangerous Democracy? The Battle Over Ballot Initiatives in America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 66-70. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia. 2001. Evaluation of the Web White and Blue Network 2000. New York: Markle Foundation.
Arthur Lupia and Richard Johnston. 2001. "Are Voters to Blame? Voter Competence and Elite Maneuvers in Public Referendums." In Matthew Mendelsohn and Andrew Parkin (eds.) Referendum Democracy: Citizens, Elites, and Deliberation in Referendum Campaigns. Toronto: MacMillan/St. Martin's Press, 191-210. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2001. "A Response to Austen-Smith." Public Choice 106: 183-189.
Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Samuel L. Popkin. 2000. "Incorporating Reason into the Study of Politics." In Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Samuel L. Popkin (eds.) Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice, and the Bounds of Rationality. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-20. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2000. "The Institutional Foundations of Political Competence." In Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Samuel L. Popkin (eds.) Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice, and the Bounds of Rationality. New York: Cambridge University Press, 47-66. [Book Available Here]
1990 - 1999
Elisabeth R. Gerber and Arthur Lupia. 1999. "Voter Competence in Direct Legislation Elections." In Steven L. Elkin and Karol E. Soltan (eds.) Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions. University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 147-160. [Book Available Here]
Elisabeth R. Gerber and Arthur Lupia. 1996. "Term Limits, Responsiveness and the Failure of Increased Competition." In Bernard Grofman (ed.), Legislative Term Limits: Public Choice Perspectives. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 87-99. [Book Available Here]
[Data Available Here] [Original questionnaire available here] [Do file here]
Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 1994. "Designing Bureaucratic Accountability." Law and Contemporary Problems 57: 91-126. Sections reprinted in Peter L. Strauss, et. al. (eds.) Gellhorn and Byse's Administrative Law: Cases and Comments, Ninth Edition. Westbury, NY: Foundation Press. 1995.
Arthur Lupia. 1993. "Credibility and the Responsiveness of Direct Legislation." In William A. Barnett, Norman J. Schofield and Melvin J. Hinich (eds.) Political Economy: Institutions, Competition and Representation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 379-404. [Book Available Here]
Richard Boylan, John Ledyard, Arthur Lupia, Richard D. McKelvey, and Peter C. Ordeshook. 1991. "Political Competition in a Model of Economic Growth: An Experimental Study." In Thomas R. Palfrey (ed.), Laboratory Research in Political Economy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 33-67. [Book Available Here]
Arthur Lupia and Kenneth F. McCue. 1990. "Why the 1980's Measures of Racially Polarized Voting Are Inadequate for the 1990's." Law and Policy 12 (4): 353-387.